anyone know of someone who sells or is having a scentsy party in utah county? i want to put an order in, but want to smell them first. please do tell.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Call me crazy. . .
but you might say I am having a love affair with these babies. . .
Hello??. . .they are practically perfect in every way!! Almost too good to be true.
Posted by Chris and Em at 9:35 PM 4 comments
Friday, May 28, 2010
Dont forget. . .
Sorry to be annoying, but I really am going to make my blog private tonight. You won't be able to view it AT ALL unless I have your email. So, if you haven't it's your last chance. Hope everyone has a fun, safe Memorial day weekend. Somebody puh-lease go boating for me!! Xoxo
Posted by Chris and Em at 1:04 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I found the picture of us at Kiley & Jess's baby shower I forgot to post a few months back. Maybe I got it from you, Laura...I don't know. I might be losing it! But let's lunch again girls, it was fun to catch up!
Posted by Chris and Em at 7:30 PM 2 comments
Going Private...
I know I have said this before, but I REALLY am going private. If you want to be able to view the blog leave your email addy. I will probably make it private in a day or don't forget!!!
Oh, and you can also send me it on facebook.
Posted by Chris and Em at 8:35 AM 16 comments
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Fashion 911....
Anyone know anyone who makes CUTE hippie headbands?? I have been looking forever, but I can't find any I like! Do tell....
Posted by Chris and Em at 6:50 PM 4 comments
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Anyone know how to change the font on the blog title???
Posted by Chris and Em at 7:55 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 8, 2010
FINALLY an update from the past few months...
I finally wrote a decent post. I started it like a few months ago..( I know, I'm slow)... so you have to scroll down a few posts to see it.
Posted by Chris and Em at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
On the road again!!
K, so I have had a update post that I started like a MONTH ago, adding stuff little here and there, but never finish it....I really am awful! But we are moving to Texas tomorrow {for the summer}, and will be back the end of August. I will definitely post when I'm there because I know my family will kill me otherwise. Kam had her FIRST birthday last fun. Love that lil' gal. Will post as soon as I get internet....and a lot more time on my hands!
ummmm...yeah...she's definitely my child...
Posted by Chris and Em at 1:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
. . . I hope you have about an hour!! . . .
Is it just me or does blogger organize everything in backwards order??? Is there a little secret that I don't know because I struggle with this every time and it takes me forever to post things! If you know how I gladly welcome your suggestions!!!
Well, we have been living in Odessa, TX for about a week now. I admit, I expected it to be much worse... so you can imagine my delight when I was pleasantly surprised. I won't go as far as to say it is somewhere I would permanently want to live, but it is not so bad for a summer home. I forget how friendly these Texans are...they really are so kind, and the ward is wonderful. Think we lucked out! We are out here with some great friends, and we have quite a few family members out here with us as we're living good! Here's to our last summer of moving!!
Oh. I forgot to mention Chris & I celebrated our 2 year anniversary April 4. He is the best husband & father, and I'm a lucky gal. I love you, Chris!
Kamryn turned ONE a few weeks ago. Where is my baby going? I'd really like to know. She becomes more and more like a toddler every day and I'm not so sure how I feel about this 'getting older' business! I absolutely LOVE spending my day with her, even if it means RE-cleaning my house 10 times a day... and believe me I am--every mom knows this. She manages to find her way into everything....despite the baby locks. The other day, I was on the phone in my living room while I thought she was in her room playing with toys only to find her come strutting down the hallway sporting a nice EMPTY {travel size} bottle of Scope mouthwash in her hand. Awesome. A- How does a one year old open that bottle...even I struggle with those tricky ones, and B- that cannot have tasted pleasant. Genius. She started walking on her 11 month mark and hasn't stopped since. We are waiting on a check up, but she is weighing in at about 23 lbs (?), has 6 full teeth, and a head of BLONDE, blonde hair. Blonde hair, blue eyes----definitely NOT my child. I am so stoked to spend lots of time outside with her this summer. Anyways, here are a few of Kamryn's favorite things...
- other kiddos...she loves to give hugs to them...most the time they push her away and reject her! haha!
- the swimming pool...or maybe just doing laps around it.
- running
- copying everything you do. Sounds, movements, anything...
- being scared.... there is no better way to get this little one in hysterics than jumping out to scare her.... not kidding. I don't understand. She throws her hands up in the air, screams, then busts up laughing. Talk about cuteness.
- Her baby doll who she refers to as "bee-bee"
- Whenever she drops something she says "ooots - a - day-dee" (oops-a-daisy)
- Saying "hi" and waving to everybody
- The backyardigans....when I need a good 20 minutes to get it together Backyardigans never disappoints.
- Chasing the vacuum around the house as if it is a game. I've often thought of teaching her how to use it.
- Ejecting DVD's from the player and then carrying them around as a mirror
- monkeys
- straws! mommy's drinks....mommy doesn't like this one...
- cell phones....and talking on them...again, not my child.
These are just a few things Kamryn loves. I know there are about a billion other silly things she does and says, but that is all I can come up with right now. She is ALL girl and ALL personality. A little chatterbox---wonder where she got that from?? She is a happy, happy little goofball! The most friendly, energetic, busy little cutie pie! We love her lots!

So, back in March (over Spring Break) Chris & his cousin Sam had to spend some time in Texas for some work stuff so Steph & I decided to tag along with our girlfriends on a little road trip to San Diego. My parents live down there so we stayed with them, enjoyed the beach, celebrated Steph's 27th birthday (she is gonna kill me for revealing her age...but yet she is still young---and HOT, I don't get it!)had some crazy fun girls nights out--and they WERE crazy, little dance parties, and ate like Kings. It was so much fun--I mean, it's San Diego--of course...that place is the best little vacation spot! I just love these girls. You can always count on peeing your pants from laughing so hard with them. We are aware that the pictures you are about to see are really immature and crazy, but we had a good time--just consider yourself warned. Anyways, Thanks girls...maybe we should make this an annual tradition...yeah???

We're just as bad as those crazy teen Twilight fanatics!
. . . Headed out to the Gas Lamp district . . .

This girl was doing casting calls for the next reality show on VH1 to win the love of Cincinnati Bengals Chad Ochocinco.

These were actually a few weeks before. We had a little birthday party a few weeks early when my parents were in town. We also had one on her actual birthday, though I don't know if I even have pics of those! As I am now looking at these I realize Kam even looks so much older now--only like a month later. That really is NUTS. But you get the idea. Yay, for first birthday's and one year on this Earth!!!! Love you Munch!
These will probably be in backwards order, bare with me...
In early Feb. Chris's Granddad Brian (who lives in England) passed away suddenly. My husband and his family were all very close to him so as you can imagine it was very difficult for all of them. I was lucky enough to have been able to meet him several times. I loved him! Quite often he would ask how his great granddaughter "Kemlyn" was doing... so funny. Only a week and a half later Chris's Granddad Jimmy passed away unexpectedly as well. I definitely remember him for his strong Scottish accent. Both leave behind wives and lots of grandchildren. They both lived in England so fortunately the funerals were only a day apart, and we were able to go to England a few weeks later to make arrangements, see family, and attend the funerals---both of which were beautiful. I wish I had more pictures...
Kamryn was better than I ever expected on both the flights. She never cried once. As you can see she is relaxing and enjoying a nice movie on the portable DVD player....thank you Sony.
{ Chris & two of his brothers Benj & Josh }
At Granddad Brian's funeral...
Kam is obsessed with the Piano. I think we have a child prodigy on our hands here....
I wish I had the motivation to blog more often. No doubt my blog is like the most boring to read!
Posted by Chris and Em at 9:16 AM 2 comments