I know you missed us. I procrastinate blogging because let's face it I hate writing lots of stuff so this will be enough to put us through until next month...just kidding. Well, sort of. Let's see, where to start....
We packed up our so very lovely hotel room and finally made the trip back to UT from TX.... what a drive. Let me just refresh you on all our driving in the past 6 months...drove from UT to VA Beach in May, drove back to UT in August, then drove from UT to Phoenix, then from Phoenix to Lubbock, TX, finally from TX to UT. Do you think I am anxious to get back in the car!? I would like to personally thank the writer of 'Friends' for keeping me company (and sane) during those drives!!! Over the course of the last few months & all our travels my husband has gotten 2 speeding tickets (for a grand total of about 4 in, oh I don't know, let's see.. roughly 10 months...) and I also, got my first EVER...I know, lucky me. So we're kind of hoping for no more speeding tickets for us for a while. I remind my husband pretty much every time I am in the car with him! I know he loves my reminders. We've gotten settled back in our place and life has picked up where it left off! Chris's grandparents were in town from England for a few weeks so we've had a blast..they are so much fun to be around. I know I've said this before but his family are some of the FUNNIEST people I know. If you've met them you know what I'm talking about. Always good for a laugh or two!
Kam & her great grandparents from England...
Well Kamryn is just over 6 months now & everyday I find myself wishing time would just stand still for a little bit. GOSH, it goes SO annoyingly fast! Everything is great with her & she is happy and busy as a bee. That's no understatement either! The girl is into EVERYTHING. But her very favorite thing lately is straws. I cannot drink my fountain drink in peace anymore....she reaches for & slobbers all over my straw!!!!! Appetizing!!!
Kam's 6 month stats:
Weight: 15.5 lbs
Height: 26 inches
Bit underweight for her age. For as much eating as this little one does she has only gained one whole whopping pound since her four month check up. I tried explaining to her that this was not such bad thing....and how someday she'd wish this was the case....I don't think she understood? Anyways, we love this little girl so much and she is most definitely a huge blessing in our lives. It's hard to imagine what our life was like without her. I finally understand why people say there is no greater joy than being a parent. Makes perfect sense!
Next, we had our Annual Girls' Caramel Apple Party 09'! We tried so hard to get a good picture with everyone...probably doesn't help that some of us are retarded...haha! Here are some of our best attempts....
My China Girls....
Things got a little out of hand...
Melizza has this CRAZY OBSESSION with chocolate chip cookies, so within the first 15 minutes she had hidden the giant chocolate chip cookie brownies from everyone on top of the fridge.....I would not expect anything less from her....that's why she keeps me laughing!!
Finally, Chris & I are going to Cabo in two weeks...without Kamryn..how sad is that! Okay, I know it's not sad to any of you because hello, it's a vacation! But I have never so much as left her for more than a few hours so it's sad to me!! I know, I know, every mom goes through this, but why is it so hard! I know she'll be in good hands of course, but I will miss her like crazy. It will be a great time though & I can't wait to spend time with the hub! Hope everyone had a very safe & enjoyable Halloween! xoxo
6 years ago