Rules:Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “write note” on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people, then click post.)
1. I LOVE doing make-up on people, yet my husband never wants to be a volunteer. Hmm Weird.
2. I have always been really outgoing, quite the opposite of shy, but I have a SERIOUS fear of public speaking!!It scares me TO DEATH!
3. I somehow managed to chip my tooth while sewing a couple of summers ago. Now that I think of it, I have some very bad experiences from sewing. If a button fell off a shirt, I wouldn't even know what to do, I'm THAT awful. It's really sad.
4. Got an infection from a pedicure (shameful), had to go to 2 different doctors, was in horrible pain and couldn't walk. Then I had to meet with Elder Zwick of the Quorum of the Seventy, who married us, the next morning still WAY out of it from the pain medicine the Doc gave me. I practically limped into church office headquarters, and then got a gushing bloody nose during the prayer. He probably wondered what in the world Chris was getting himself into! Ended up having to have my toenail removed from a Pediatrist TWO days before my wedding! Be careful when you get a pedicure!!
5. I keep a journal on my computer in hopes that someday my children will read it and appreciate it! HA!
6. I drink blue powerade every day. For lots of power.
7. I call my mom probably like 5 times a day, for no reason, just to chat. She's the bomb.
8. My husband wakes up mad at me at least once a week for things I apparently did to him in his dreams??
9. I could live off of tomatoes with cottage cheese, strawberry fruit popsicles, and tomato juice. This is no joke.
10. I have to be like 10 minutes early to EVERYTHING or I almost have an anxiety attack!
11. I slept on the Great Wall of China in a sleeping bag, but didn't really sleep since I all I could think about was the mouse I could hear!
12. I could honestly probably vomit on command since I have been pregnant.
13. I have a strange, but significant ability to memorize useless facts & could probably tell you weird things that you wouldn't think I'd remember about you. Or friends Social Security #'s. Not mentioning any names. Don't worry I won't steal your identity, Ang.
14. I'm guaranteed the biggest country music fan EVER and honestly probably wouldn't even recognize the new and popular songs right now that are not country.
15. I CANNOT STAND the taste, smell, or texture of CANTELOUPE!!!!!!!!
16. I sleep in my coat quite often. Started this habit in China when I was FREEEEEEEEZING.
17. I love to run and have a tendency to sometimes run far far to several freeways and back. I miss running.
18. I really want to play the piano right now.
19. I miss playing soccer everyday.
20. My house has to be really clean or else I stress out every day until it is.
21. Favorite TV Show is Unsolved Mysteries, but I can't stand scary movies. I think they are dumb.
22. I have to be in the mood to want to go to the mall and shop. Seriously, what girl is like that?
23. I think one of the best ways to spend a saturday morning is looking at model homes for fun!
24. I have the best family and friends in the world!
25. I never do these little post things & gave in. Am glad to be DONE! Only took me 10 minutes to figure out to how to post it even though it's in the instructions!
6 years ago
There is something just wrong about tomato's and cottage cheese....but hey, I shouldn't bash it since I haven't tried it. Also, I will volunteer for you to do makeup on me! I love learning how to beautify myself!
Emilee, so you left me a comment like months ago, but at the time I was a horrible blogger. I'm making up for it now though. Ok, I had no idea you were expecting. At least I assume that's what the little icon means that says 54 days left. Congrats! It's the best thing in the whole world. It was so much fun to see your cute blog and to see what was going on in your life. Hopefully we can keep better in touch
This was so fun to read - you're so cute. And it's getting so close!!! I'm so excited for you and Chris.
I changed my blog address to
so your link to my blog won't work anymore unless you change it to the new blog address.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Will you do me a favor and leave me a comment so I know you changed your link and found my new blog address.
Ok this has nothing to do with your post but....when are we going to get some belly pics. I can't wait to see them I bet you look adorable and you don't have too much longer!!!
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