Kamryn Grace Munday was born April 21, 2009 at 6:46 PM. She weighed 7 lbs 11 ounces and is 18 inches long. She has got a full head of beautiful light blondish/brown hair (surprisingly!?), is healthy and is such a little cutie pie!!
Here's the story.....
I went into the hospital at 9 AM to be induced, and they started me on pitocin for about 5 1/2 hours until they broke my water at about 2:30 PM. About an hour later I got the epidural (and oh my goodness most wonderful thing EVER!!!!!!!!) and she arrived only a short 3 hours later, after only 24 minutes of pushing. I have to admit for as much as I anticipated the labor and delivery to be the worst part of the pregnancy....I was so wrong!! It honestly was not bad at all and I feel so very lucky for that. I felt great right away and have ever since! We feel so very blessed to welcome this sweet baby girl into our family.....how much closer can you get to heaven than that...seriously? It is the most amazing experience in the whole world. There is nothing like holding your own child in your arms and you would instantly do ANYTHING for them. We are so grateful that everything went smoothly and are incredibly thrilled for a BEAUTIFUL healthy baby and no major complications. She couldn't be more perfect!! I will post more pictures when I figure out where Chris put our camera, but here are just a few.....
6 years ago
congrats! she is beautiful!
Beautiful girl. Congratulaitons! I'm glad to hear your birth story was so positive.
She is so cute! I'm glad everything went well. Thats always a relief. You will be a great mom!
oh Em!! She's just the sweetest precious little girl ever. I am so glad everything went smoothly and hope that someday (far far down the road) my pregnancies will go that smoothly. I can only wish!! Congrats and have fun being a mom!
Yay! I'm so glad everything went so well! Congrats!
EMILEE SHES PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an angel doll seriously!!!! Didnt i tell you it would be the most beautiful experience EVER?!! Im so happy it was an easy delivery for you!!!! only 24 minutes of pushing?? Thats AWESOME!!!! Way to go!!!! And congratulations!!!!!
Oh Em she is so precious!! I just want to snuggle her! Congrats, I'm so happy everything went well!
i'm so happy for you!!! she is a doll.
She is gorgeous! Congrats again Em and Chris.
Congratulations, you guys! What a cute little family :)
Congratulations! She's a cutie!Aren't babies so adorable? It only gets better!
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