Friday, June 5, 2009

Is this SAFE?!

I love these two so much, & this is what you get when you ask Chris to hold her and try to get her to sleep......

the hairdryer.....

I'm not complaining it always works and they are so adorable together.....and now I have a cute scrapbook picture. (oh wait, I don't scrapbook!)

Also, Kamryn is getting in a fun little stage now where everything makes her know walls, tv, carpet...hahah I love every second of it!


Ric and Meagan said...

this is soo cute and if you did scrapbook it is a perfect picture such a cute family you have

Mark, Eko and Leoniss Burroughs said...

that is too cute.

Imperfectly Perfect said...

the hairdryer is STILL coles favorite thing...when I blow dry my hair he will watch me th ENTIRE time! haha

Cox's said...

HaHa thats so funny! She is sooo cute!

Cox's said...

haha thats so funny! she is so cute!

Krissy Noel said...

So cute! If you can't fall asleep without the hair dryer, you guys should look into buying a "sound machine". I have had one all growing up and now Zack is totally hooked too. You can get them at Brookstone and they have about fifteen different sounds you can sleep to. Now I can't sleep in silence, I've gotta have a constant sound. You should check em out online!!

Kristin Sokol said...

You guys need a white noise machine. Available at all the baby stores. Does the same thing for baby, but with out the fire hazard.

The cutest little family you guys are!

Melody said...

A man, a hairdryer and a baby. Something just doesn't seem right. Makes one wonder.

Unknown said...

That's perfect! At least you wont have to be tip toing around when she takes her nap!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you remember me, but I am Brittany Whiting's sister Morgan. I was blog stalking from my sister's blog and just saw your post. I had to write because I thought that I was the only one who blow dryed my child to sleep! Those pictures made me laugh because we have so many picutres of us sleeping with Max with the blow dryer in hand. People used to think I was crazy. Congrats on your little girl...she is beautiful.