And how do they go from this.......... to this ..............................with a blink of the eye???
And you're left wondering WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!
I honestly have been crying almost daily because of this same thing! I think once you have more kids, you realize it even more. I never want them to grow up. She is so cute!
Just wait. My infant is now almost 4 years old. My mother-in-law's infant just got married last week. She is asking herself the same thing. The only thing you can do is enjoy every minute and take an embarrassing amount of pictures.
Chris and I were married April 4, 2008 in the SLC Temple. It was a pretty great day, to say the least! A little over a year later on April 21, 2009 we welcomed a sweet baby girl, Kamryn Grace Munday into our family, whom we absolutely ADORE! We are now expecting a sweet baby boy in May 2011. Chris is from Kent, England & I am from Bountiful, Utah. We are excited to see where our journey takes us... We feel very blessed, life has been good to us : )
I honestly have been crying almost daily because of this same thing! I think once you have more kids, you realize it even more. I never want them to grow up. She is so cute!
Oh Em I understand 100% Just wait till she is mobile then it REALLY hits you that she is no longer a new born! Don't you just love it?!
Just wait. My infant is now almost 4 years old. My mother-in-law's infant just got married last week. She is asking herself the same thing. The only thing you can do is enjoy every minute and take an embarrassing amount of pictures.
she is such a cutie! I think she looks so much like you!!!
Em... Your baby is adorable!!
So true! They grow up so so fast! Hope you guys are having fun out there in Va beach. We miss the beach so bad!
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