It's late (by my 'mom' standards, and those of you who have had babies can probably relate ...wanting to go to bed after your child is down for the night because who just knows when they will be up again!), and I actually am tired so we'll see how much I'll write. Kamryn & I just got back from a little Lake Powell trip with the Welch side of the family. Unfortunately, Chris had to stay back in Virginia to work for the week, and some of the family were not able to come. It was my grandparents 50th, yes, 50th wedding anniversary a few months ago which we were celebrating a little late. I could go on and on about my wonderful grandparents (both sides), but I will spare you. We had such a good time hanging out on our houseboat, playing games, slip n' sliding, playing "white trash" golf, eating way too much, and the list goes on and on. Here are some pictures from the trip....
The first is a picture from the week that Kamryn was born when we blessed her. My Grandpa Olson and her....he is the sweetest man EVER and she is only one of MANY, MANY great grandchildren on the Olson side. She is so tiny here!
On to Kamryn....
She is now 2 1/2 months old and lovin' life. At her two month check up a few weeks ago she weighed 11 lbs 4 ounces and was 22 1/2 inches long....she's come along way from the 7 lbs 11 ounces and whole 18 inches since she was born! That's my babe! Anywho, she is now sleeping completely through the night 9-6....and I am one happy mom! Her new favorite things are eating her hands as if they taste like candy, smiling at EVERYTHING, watching baby Einstein ( I can put her down and she'll watch for like 10 minutes without moving her eyes once...success.) She can also successfully roll to her side only to cry desperately in anger and frustration because she is stuck. Pretty funny stuff. She is SOOOOOO adorable and I don't think there is anything more rewarding than to wake up in the morning to a bright blue eyed baby with smiles all around. Melts my heart! She was every bit worth the 9 months of pure sickness. She is definitely wrapped around Chris & I's finger. What can I say. Btw, Chris won a trip to the bahamas from his work for the 2nd highest number of sales for the month of June in his region (only ONE sale behind the #1 highest).....sWeEt, will definitely be taking advantage of that! I'm proud of him, he works so hard for our family! Anyways, Kamryn and I are in San Diego for the next two weeks since my mom is getting surgery and we are here to help take care of her! Chris isliterally going crazy without us around for three weeks. Poor guy: ( .....We are excited to to be able to go back to Utah though and Kam can see her nanny and pops! We love and miss you guys everyday!!! I lasted a lot longer in this post than I thought...shutting up now! Hope everyone is doing great!
6 years ago
Kamryn is soo cute, Emilee! She is as photogenic as you are. Looks like a really fun vacation!
:) thanks we love going out and doing things:)
ha ha thank you its been a lot of fun i miss my short hair sometimes just cause it takes so much to take care of but i love it.
oh my gosh that slide!!! that looked so much fun. and your babe how is being a mommy do you love it?? i get baby hungry every now and then but i am just so scared.
:) thanks we love going out and doing things:)
ha ha thank you its been a lot of fun i miss my short hair sometimes just cause it takes so much to take care of but i love it.
oh my gosh that slide!!! that looked so much fun. and your babe how is being a mommy do you love it?? i get baby hungry every now and then but i am just so scared.
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